När elever protesterar måste vi väl hjälpa till lite. Via Classroom 2.0 som jag skrivit om tidigare på denna blog har jag fått nys om en liveprotest i USA. Idag UCT-5 dvs kl 11 svensk tid om jag nu inte räknat fel.
En grupp som kallar sig Digitteen Dreamteam som verka jobba med Digitaltlärande och 3d världar och Goggles tjänst Lively i synnerhet vill att vi protesterar mot att tjänsten skall läggas ner. Jag vet inte så mycket om tjänsten men tycker att det låter som ett intressant experiment.
Deras lärare skriver så här i Classroom 2.0
Hello everyone -
I hope you'll take a second to help a group of my very passionate ninth graders who have named themselves the Digiteen Dream Team - http://digiteendreamteam.blogspot.com
They have been using Google Lively as part of the Digiteen Project teaching digital citizenship (http://www.digiteen.net), however Google has announced it will shut lively down on December 31st..
The students have created a blog at http://digiteendreamteam.blogspot.com, and are planning a protest for this Wednesday from 2:15 - 3:00pm (EST) in Lively (the room will be listed on their blog just before going live).
They are asking for as many people as possible to create an account on lively - www.lively.com/. That gets attention. You can also start your own Lively room, sign the Lively petition, or write a letter - my student letter is going to be up on the blog this week - they are going to ask for a few more months to see if we can get more classes using it. You and your students can also send your own letter to Google about the use of lively in education.
I know Lively has really not been considered by many for use in education, but I think it should have been and should be. I know you're busy but if you can spread the word, please do.
Best regards and thank you for your time,Så kolla in deras sida och var med i upproret! Rätt kul vad socialnätverk kan åstadkomma med spridning av budskap.
Vicki A. Davis
Blog: http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com
Visit Classroom 2.0 at: http://www.classroom20.com
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